(JP Morgan)
Things are lookin' up (all things being relative, of course)
The backdrop: Last year, Generation Lab found that 38% of students with jobs for the Summer had them cancelled, and another 37% had their work delayed or altered significantly.
So, we partnered with Morning Brew to understand the youth job climate in the first "post-COVID Summer."
Here's what we found.
Read the full report
Morning Brew + Generation Lab Poll | n=501 | June 8-10
Summer Jobs ➢ 69% of students have a part-time or full-time job lined up for this summer
➢ 31% of students biggest concern about work this summer is understaffing issues
➢ Only 25% say they fear healthy and safety issues
Job Search
➢ Student job seekers found finding a job easier this year than last
➢ Nearly one-third didn’t seek a job at all
In-Person Work
➢ Students want to work in person three days a week
Job Finders
➢ The largest portion of students found summer work through friends or family
➢ 18% of students say job board sites are where they found employment
Financial Security
➢ Over half of respondents say they sought work to pay for either personal or school expenses
➢ 28% of respondents sought employment to gain experience
Sector popularity
➢ 20% of students are working in the healthcare industry this summer
Summer Applications
➢ The median number of jobs applied to this summer by students was two
➢ 8% of students applied to over 20 jobs this summer
Higher Wage ➢ 43% say they are getting paid more this summer